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October Gardening Tips and Tricks

Posté par Allison Pezzack le

October can be quite mercurial. It’s either the start of Winter, it can be a glorious Indian Summer. So, if you’re dealing with an early snowfall, working in your garden can be a very different adventure than if it’s still warm.

Regardless of the weather, there are a few basic tasks that October brings.

person spreading compost with a garden trowel, wearing garden gloves

  • Improve your soil with a dressing of compost. If you started your compost pile this spring or summer, make sure you turn the pile and add in any garden debris that’s already fallen. If your home-grown compost isn’t ready, add a few bags from your local garden centre. Keep your hands clean and your nails safe 

  • It’s time to save the seeds your plants have been busy growing for you. Pluck them, dry them and store them in a cool place over winter, ready to plant again this spring.


person picking hers wearing gardening gloves

  • Harvest and dry or freeze herbs for winter use. Mint, basil and chives freeze well if you’re using them for cooking. There are two effective and easy ways to freeze herbs.

    mint leaves on a baking tray with a sprig of mint and gardening gloves
    • Freeze individual leaves on a baking tray, then transfer into freezer bags and use a few leaves at a time.

      mint leaves in an ice cube tray with a jug of water and gardening gloves

    • Put a few leaves into an ice-cube tray, add water and freeze, then transfer to a freezer bag. The cubes are perfect for soups and stews.

person rubbing oil onto an axe blade wearing gardening gloves 

  • Clean and sharpen gardening tools. Get rid of any dirt or rust, and oil any hinges or moving parts. Then sharpen blades and carefully wipe a little oil onto the sharpened edges to keep moisture away. A piece of paper towel is perfect for this. Make sure you’re wearing your Dig It® Gloves!

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